Dr. Iman Tahamtan

University of Tennessee & JPMorgan Chase

Research Interests:  Digital Health, HCI, Research Impact, Computational Social Science
Email: tahamtan [at] vols.utk.edu

Dr.amin janghorbani

Assistant professor of department of biochemistry, Semnan University

Research Interests: Biosignal processing, brain-computer interface, artificial intelligence, cognitive neuroscience, uncertainty management theories, Information fusion, Data mining

Email: a.janghorbani [at] semnan.ac.ir


Dr. Parviz Sabahi

 Assistant professor of psychology, Semnan University

Research Interests: Social Psychology, Cognitive Psychology

Email: p_sabahi [at] semnan.ac.ir


Dr. hasan nejadghanbar (Honorary Fellow)

Ph.D. Department of English and Communication The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Research Interests: Applied linguistics, Open science, Metascience, Research ethics, Information literacy, Bilingualism

Email: hassan.nejadghanbar [at] polyu.edu.hk


Dr. Amir Reza Asnafi

Associate professor, Department of Information Sciences and knowledge Studies, Shahid Beheshti University

Research Interests: Data librarians, HCI

Email: A_asnafi [at] sbu.ac.ir


Dr. Siavash Talepasand

 Assistant professor of psychology, Semnan University

Research Interests: motivation models, memory models, attention and perception, testing

Email: stalepasand [at] semnan.ac.ir


 Dr. Alireza Naeimi Sadigh

Assistant Professor Of Department of Computer Sciences, Semnan University

Research Interests: Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Distributed Learning

Email: anaeimi [at] Semnan.ac.ir


Dr. Mohammadagha Delavarpour

Assistant professor of psychology, Semnan University

Research Interests: psychosocial aspects of cyberspace and social networks, the motivation and emotions of learners, and the social psychology of educational environments

Email: mdelavarpour [at] semnan.ac.ir 


Dr. Rouhallah Khademi

 Assistant professor, Department of Information Sciences and knowledge Studies, Psychology Faculty , Semnan University

Research Interests: Scientometrics, Information behavior

Email: r.khademi [at] semnan.ac.ir